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Vági Organs

Hompage of Gyula Vági Master Organ builder
Gyula Vági has been designing and building several new organs all around Hungary.
On the photo (left side) you can see the organ in the church at Budafok with 2 manuals, 16 stops. The chest of the organ built by Rieger Company was kept, and Gyula Vagi was requested to build a new mechanic organ inside, in 2001.
Other organs from Gyula Vági:
Budapest - Kassai tér, 3 manuals, 50 stops
Budapest-Rákosfalva, 28 stops
Veresegyház, 2 manuals, 18 stops
Dejtár, 2 manuals, 23 stops
Budapest-Rákosfalva, 28 stops
Budafok, 2 manual, 16 stops
Martfű, 2 manuals, 24 stops
Budapest - Széphalom
Somorja (Slovakia) 1868 L. Mooser, organ reconstruction
Budapest, reformed church (Kispest-központ)
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